today i rode the spaghetti 100. got up at 5am and rode out to Miccosukee to meet up for the ride. i ended up riding with Joe and Windy Barnett, Joanne and a woman who works for the forestry service. i never caught her name but we spoke for a while about controlled burns. we did a modified version of the 40 mile offroad route. this leg of the trip was relaxed and we got to talk a lot. when we got to Boston GA, i ended up leaving them and riding the rest of the metric road century with some random people. they were all business, there was no talking in this bunch. i kept up easily despite the fact that i over packed. my new bag for my rack does me a disservice because it can hold so much stuff. i was probably carrying 20 extra pounds that i didnt need to. the last 10 miles i dropped off and ended up riding most of the rest of the way by myself. one guy (Trent?) came back and rode with me and we talked a bit about frame building and cave diving. he is one of the guys that did the wakulla springs mapping. he spent 23 hours under water for that. how insane. we got back to Miccosukee and ate the spaghetti dinner and i got a free message from core institute students.
then i proceeded to ride back into town alone. half way through i started to feel some pain in my knee. i probably should have caught a ride home with someone but i was excited to get a full century ride in today. here is my route.